★Hey, Klaus.It’s James Hetfield from Metallica here, wishing you a happy 70th birthday, if you can hear me. Maybe you’re as deaf as I am after all these years of METAL!! And being the road dog that you are. Playing all over the place for all these many many years.
●deaf 耳(みみ)が聞(き)こえない
●road dog 親友(しんゆう)(旅(たび)を共(とも)にする)
So, happy birthday to you and wishing you…. some gratitude from me and I am grateful to have been able to hear your voice…contributing to my joy of music since “Lonesome Crow” on. So, you are appreciated. And a happy 70th. Take care of yourself.
●gratitude 感謝(かんしゃ)
●grateful 感謝している
●contribute 貢献(こうけん)する
●appreciated 感謝されている、有難(ありがた)く思(おも)われている
●take care of yourself 健康(けんこう)に(き)をつけて
A: So, how was the concert?
B: You know what? First, it was postponed and rescheduled, but it was eventually cancelled.