– プロフィール – YUKKO(脚本・演出、フルート&ボーカル) 神秘的な美しさと魂を揺さぶる情熱を兼ね備えた「吹く・舞う・唄う」孤高のパフォーマンスアーティスト。1999年Sonyrecordsよりシンガーソングライターとしてメジャーデビュー。日本はもとよりヨーロッパでも活動。クラシックフルートを上野星矢、コンテンポラリーフルートを多久潤一朗に師事。東京コンテンポラリーシアター主宰、FM87.6MHz渋谷のラジオ「渋谷のランチタイム」パーソナリティ、音楽スクール TCT Music Academy 代表。ピナバウシュを敬愛する。
【Samurai Film】
So stoked about how it turned out!!
Ninja for a day this time around!!
I had to do lots of moves that I’d never even tried before, so it was challenging for sure but I loved every second of being in the kind of film I grew up watching.
I had Kenji Sato, a professional stunman, who’d appeared in movies like Last Samurai, Biohazard, Wolverine and Rurouni Kenshin,etc, teach me how to do action scenes.Oh, yes, he knows exactly what he is doing. No doubt.
It feels awesome to see myself staring in my own film. Haha
If you’re interested, please go to→http://samurai-film.com/
for more info.
Ninja for a day this time around!!
I had to do lots of moves that I’d never even tried, so it was challenging for sure but I loved every second of being in the kind of film I grew up watching.
I had Kenji Sato, a professional stunman, who’d appeared in movies like Last Samurai, Biohazard, Wolverine and Rurouni Kenshin,etc, teach me how to do action scenes.Oh, yes, he knows exactly what he is doing. No doubt. Looking forward to seeing myself staring in my own film.Haha
If you’re interested, please go to→http://samurai-film.com/ for more info.